Thursday, April 11, 2013

Wasteland Documentary Responce

In the Wasteland documentary we saw I was honestly inspired by it what truly shocked me. At the beginning of the film I was truthfully bored and thought I would not enjoy it at all. However when they got to the part when they turned all the trash into beautiful pieces of art, and the reactions of those whom the art was based off of, I was excited for them and rather interested in the movie. The most memorable part of the movie for me was when the first piece of art was sold at the auction. This is because everyone told them they couldn't do it and it wasn't possible however they didn't listen and persevered to find out it was. It allowed me to take away that anything is possible as long as you work for what you want and to never give up! I have always heard that but watching the movie I was able to witness it. This led to incredible over-joy meant and success in incredible ways. To continue I was glad that they got to be apart of that success. They now can call them more than just garbage pickers there was something much greater than that. They were artist. They were a representation of believing and hope. I think that what the artist did allowing the mere garbage pickers to be in something greater was terrific! If i were "in there shoes" I would've been just as over-joyed and honor as they all had been. I would have love to gone through that fabulous journey even though there were hardships during it. This is because there was a spectacular outcome ("fairytale ending") in the end. If it were my lilfe I dont think there would have been as much inspirational aspects however it still would've been a pleasure to be apart of the experience. All in all, the movie was great and opprtuniuty for them was great as well!!!