Friday, May 17, 2013

The Sunscreen Song...for kids

If you havent ever heard of the sunscreen song then click the link below.... listen to it....and come back to this page.
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Ok so to start off I just want to state that this song is definition of what children need to work on this generation. One of my favorite lyrics in this song "Do NOT read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly." This relates to pretty much every teenage girl in this world. It's not always the beauty magizines making them feel ugly, its other teens around them too.  We girls are just constantly compare ourselves putting ourselves down. Making us feel things like ugly, fat, weak, and dorky, however none of that is true. We are all beautiful in our own individual way! It is sad that girls don't realize this and constantly insist on changing themselves. God made us the way we are so we should just be happy with what we have and stop with all of there comparisons. A piece of advice that I have to give is just that. Next time you look in the mirror don't look upset at your flaws. Look at yourself with pride and compliment all of your beauty because trust me there is a lot in every single person! Live life to the fullest and don't worry about the little things like not looking like the photo cropped magazine models. In conclusion the sunscreen song and this lyric puts out a lot that needs to be heard and understood!

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