Saturday, December 29, 2012

Freedom of Speech

What is the most important part of the First Amendment to you? Religion  Press, Speech, Petition or Assembly? To me it is the freedom of speech because all of the other freedoms kind of revolve or depend on freedom of speech. However with this choice I still have many questions relating to the limits and what our society would be like without the freedom of speech. Some of my questions can be some what answered by me however others can't so if you know and think you can help me out please be free to tell me in the comments section below! (Please be sure to state the question and answer.) Also if you have any further questions on freedom of speech comment below and I will try my best to help you out!


Q= One question I have is, if you say something negative about the way our government is being run in the presence of important governmental figures, would punishments be ensued?

A= I do not know what would happen but I believe that you should not be punished for that. I believe this because you are simply speaking your opinion and perhaps trying to give them inspiration or ideas.

Q= How far does the freedom of speech extend in a educational atmosphere.

A=  In a educational atmosphere (such as a school) the freedom of speech is still relevant however comments and remarks have to be school related or age appropriate/ respectful. 

Q= What would our society and everyday lives be like without freedom of speech? 

A= Again I am not quite sure but all the other freedoms rely on freedom of speech. So without it I guess none of the other parts of the First Amendment would exists or at least have a strong impact on everyday life.

These were some of the questions that were still on my mind after learning about the First Amendment! Hope you enjoyed!

Thanks for reading and keep an eye out for more post by me:) @Rice.Krissy.Treats

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Wal-Mart Protest on Black Friday

This year on black friday there were many strikes at Walmart for many different reasons. Some of the protestors were angered because of the low pay the employees were getting. Others were upset because Walmart was keeping their employees to work during Thanksgiving instead of spending time with their familys. Lastly some beilieve that Walmart treats their workers bad in general.  This is why protests started at Walmart.

These protests took place all around the U.S. (over 100 cities) It was a very big deal for the people of the United States. Most protest took place outside of walmarts however some people just avioded shopping there for black friday. At the Walmart in Paramount, Calif., about 600 protesters, including about 100 Walmart workers, turned up Friday morning. Also in Hanover, Md., 400 employees, union workers, activists and other supporters showed up at a Walmart on Friday.

Walmart denies and claims that many things said are untrue. They say that only 100 out of their 1.3 million workers took part in the black friday protest. Also Walmart says "89% said they"definitely recommend the walmart company to a friend." This shows why 99.99 percent of the employees did not protest against Walmart.

I personally beileve that the others were probably afraid of getting fired because Walmart is very cruel to their emplyees and dont give them alot of freedom. Also most of the people at Walmart need their jobs so joining in something like that was way to risky.

"Given their goal of raising awareness among shoppers about low pay, lack of benefits and what they call Walmart's pattern of punishing workers who try to organize, strikers said their events were a success."
Cant find my other source:(
Thanks for reading and keep an eye out for more post by me:) @Rice.Krissy.Treats

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


The Met is an “Independence Learning Program” in Providence, Rhode Island for grades 9-12. The Met is a great place and program to be enrolled at. Many people love how the Met has such a personalized environment for each student. The Met allows students to follow their passions while learning what they need to know in a real life setting.
At the Met, each Independent Learning Academy student will have an adviser  An adviser is someone who directs each students learning and becomes familiar with them, their interests, capabilities, and needs. The adviser will work with the family to generate a custom-made curriculum for the student. For example, if you love fashion and design you will be made a learning curriculum that revolves around fashion and design. Then the adviser will give private “lessons” each week, either in person or via Skype. “I thought school was boring. Now I've found my passion for music and I can follow my dreams while learning at the Met.” said a student named Eva.
There are many reasons why students come to the Met. Some want a more personalized high school experience or the college preparatory program that they offer. Others are interested in the hands-on, action-packed learning that challenges them. But even without that just the Met’s personalized approach offers something for every kind of learner. In conclusion, The Met is a really awesome place to learn and grow!

Works Cited

"Admissions." The Met. N.P., 26 Sept. 2006. Web. 7 Nov. 2012. <>.

Thanks for reading and keep an eye out for more post by me:) @Rice.Krissy.Treats

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Grades are a big deal in most school students lives these days. With grades and usually parents its "How did you do on your test today? When I see it it's going to be an A right?" But if you think about it for some people it not always A's so they feel grades are just demeaning and saying that they are stupid. And for others its all A's so the second they get an 89 or lower their life is over. So whats the purpose of grades? What is your opinion of the current grading system? (numbers and letters, 100 point scale) Do you think that the current, traditional grading system accurately represents your learning and knowledge. Do you think we should keep the current grading system or transfer to a standard-based grading system or use a combination of both?

To start off the purpose of grades is to help you know how your doing with the work your learning. Also it lets teachers know if they are getting through to there students. This is important because if the students don,t understand what they are being taught then when they need it in life they wont know what to do. Next I believe that the current, traditional grading system  does not accurately represents your learning and knowledge because i think it shows your comprehension but not knowledge. Another thing is the current grading system. I personally  like it. One reason why i like it is because 100 is an easy number for teachers to calculate record grades off of; and letters (A B C D F) give you a quick general check on how you are doing. However I like using numbers more because they are more precise and accurate. Lastly if I had to keep the current grading system or transfer to a standard-based grading system I would keep the current grading system but I'm used to it and it works.This is what I have to say about grades. 
Thanks for reading and keep an eye out for more post by me:) @Rice.Krissy.Treats

Monday, October 8, 2012

Creativity...In Danger

I found the Ted Talk and the Creativity Crisis very interesting and relate-able. Sir Ken Robinson brought up some very true topics that I never really thought about. As well as his points I've also been astonished with some of the things I read about in the Creativity Crisis paper(s). My favorite part of this entire learning experience was hearing the story about the girl that was getting checked for learning problems when really she was just a dancer (a.k.a) a bodily-kinestheticly learner. I mostly agree on everything that as been proposed. But in my personal opinion is that creativity in schools is endangered and something needs to be done to help it.

I agree with Sir Ken Robinson when he says that schools are killing creativity. In my personal experience I do believe it is a struggle to express ourselves and be creative in classes. For example whenever we have projects at school there are always super strict guidelines to follow. No room for creativity and individuality.  Also I do believe that creativity has been lost. Through the years subjects like Math and Language Arts are really all that are focused on. Of course they are important but so is creativity. Without creativity our future is in jeopardy.  By this I mean with out creativity being practiced and improved the next generation will not have any new or exciting technology. This is what I believe is going to happen if creativity isn't captured and saved now as well as enforced in the future.
Thanks for reading this and keep and eye out for more post from me:)  @Rice.Krissy.Treats

Monday, September 24, 2012

Learning Styles: The Ways I Learn

I recently took two tests...the Gardner and Gregoric test. By taking that I honestly learned alot about my learning style. You know how people can be multi-taskers...well I guess you can call me a multi-learner because I got strong scores in many different learning areas.

On the Gardner test it told me that I was strong in Logical and Mathematical, Bodily-Kinesthetic, Musical, Interpersonal and Intrapersonal. this means I like to learn with mathematics, music, hands-on activities, others and lastly just inside myself. When I took the test and examined the results I was astonished because they were all true.

On the Gregoric test it says I have a learning style of Abstract Random and Concrete Random. Basically it showed very similar results to the Gardner test. Thus revealing that I am colorful, emotional, imaginative, a problem-solver, risk-taker, independent, curious and creative person. (which is all true) This can now help me in school because I will know how to study for test and quizzes judging on my learning styles.

3 people I admire are my mom, my dad and my brothers. For my mom I believe she is a Concrete Sequential learner thus means she is a hands on learner which she is. For my dad I think he is a Concrete Random learner because he is independent and likes practical ideas. Lastly my brothers are deffinetly Abstract Random learners like me because pretty much every word under that list fits them. 

Thanks for reading this and keep an eye out for more post from me :) @Rice.Krissy-Treats

Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Perspective of a Gifted Student

Being Gifted.....
Theres alot of ups and downs to it. And I know because I'm a gifted student.
Many people think being gifted is a bad thing. Your labeled a nerd, dork, smarty-pants but think about it... there are negative lables  for everyone and everything. Its apart of human nature to be labeled as somthing. What those people who lable you dont relize is that when your gifted your also creative,artisticly incliened and special. Being gifted has many ups and downs.
Some ups of being gifted is that it helps you with honors classes and college. Also its gives you a +7 on your GPA. But enough with that. Being gifted also allows you to challenge and be challenged in different things. As well as that you also have more of a creative side than others that allow you to think more freely and express yourself in more artistic ways.
There arent just ups being gifted has some downs to. Some downs of being gifted is that you get teased somtimes and people take advantage of you. Another thing is that people expect a lot of you which is a lot of pressure especailly if your a kid. Also when your gifted people take advantage of you. For example when your in a group they usually expect you to do most f the work.
As well as ups and downs to bieng gifted there are alot of truths and myths.
Some myths of  being gifted is that you get all A's. And that is not true....some people do but not all. Also people tthink that gifted people  are shy, have glasses and sniffle alot and which they dont. Lastly another myth is that they are teachers pets and too smart for others. None of these are true however there are many true things about being gifted.
Some truths about being gifted is that gifted kids have a strong talent. Also gifted students are usually artistically inclined and intelligent. Lastly gifted students develop maturity asynchronously. This means they develop maturity at different levels.
These are the ups and downs and truths and myths of being gifted, from the perspective of a gifted student.
Thanks for reading this and keep an eye out for more post from me :) @Rice.Krissy-Treats

Monday, September 17, 2012


HI!!!!!!!!My name is Kristen least thats how I write it down on all my test and papers but I like to use  K-berg for short.

Im in 8th grade this year..... Im the big kid of the school... Im in the grade that all the little 7th graders look up too....some of you may think cool 8th grade but for me its AHHHHHHH!!!!!! 1 more year till high school! Thats going to be a big change for me so this year I want to try to make it the BEST YEAR EVER!!!!!!!!

Anyway some of my favorite subjects in school this year are Theater Arts, Rogate and Chorus! These are the best classes to take because they teach you new things while letting you express yourself and have fun! 

Some of my favorite topics to learn about (not just in school) Music, Baking, Sports and the History of our world mainly 9/11 and the Holocaust. 

In my free time i play in a band. the band is called M.E.R.K. Its made up of 4 people Micheal Visalli, Evan Kreutzberg, Ryan Kreutzberg and me! We preform at many different places and its alot of fun!

When I grow up I want to be an interior designer with a part time job as a photographer however if that does not work out I would like to be a lawyer or professional musician

Im the happiest when I go to the Columbus Cupcakery, get money, hang with friends and or family or playing in my band  M.E.R.K!!!

Thanks for reading this and keep an eye out for more post from me :) @Rice.Krissy-Treats