Monday, September 24, 2012

Learning Styles: The Ways I Learn

I recently took two tests...the Gardner and Gregoric test. By taking that I honestly learned alot about my learning style. You know how people can be multi-taskers...well I guess you can call me a multi-learner because I got strong scores in many different learning areas.

On the Gardner test it told me that I was strong in Logical and Mathematical, Bodily-Kinesthetic, Musical, Interpersonal and Intrapersonal. this means I like to learn with mathematics, music, hands-on activities, others and lastly just inside myself. When I took the test and examined the results I was astonished because they were all true.

On the Gregoric test it says I have a learning style of Abstract Random and Concrete Random. Basically it showed very similar results to the Gardner test. Thus revealing that I am colorful, emotional, imaginative, a problem-solver, risk-taker, independent, curious and creative person. (which is all true) This can now help me in school because I will know how to study for test and quizzes judging on my learning styles.

3 people I admire are my mom, my dad and my brothers. For my mom I believe she is a Concrete Sequential learner thus means she is a hands on learner which she is. For my dad I think he is a Concrete Random learner because he is independent and likes practical ideas. Lastly my brothers are deffinetly Abstract Random learners like me because pretty much every word under that list fits them. 

Thanks for reading this and keep an eye out for more post from me :) @Rice.Krissy-Treats


  1. I am also Bodily-Kinesthetic and Concrete Random. I can't believe that you got all of those different answers for the Gardner Test. I only got that and Logical-Mathematical.

  2. No way girl! I am also Bodily-Kinesthetic, Musical, and intrapersonal. I guess we kind of do think alike. You know what they say "Great Minds think alike" :)

  3. I enjoyed reading this post, Kristen! I'm so glad that this test was accurate for you. I hope this helps you study for school. You should go to Evan's and Ryan's blog to see what their learning style results were! Lastly, just make sure you proofread before you publish.
