Friday, May 17, 2013

The Sunscreen Song...for kids

If you havent ever heard of the sunscreen song then click the link below.... listen to it....and come back to this page.
Welcome back!! :)

Ok so to start off I just want to state that this song is definition of what children need to work on this generation. One of my favorite lyrics in this song "Do NOT read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly." This relates to pretty much every teenage girl in this world. It's not always the beauty magizines making them feel ugly, its other teens around them too.  We girls are just constantly compare ourselves putting ourselves down. Making us feel things like ugly, fat, weak, and dorky, however none of that is true. We are all beautiful in our own individual way! It is sad that girls don't realize this and constantly insist on changing themselves. God made us the way we are so we should just be happy with what we have and stop with all of there comparisons. A piece of advice that I have to give is just that. Next time you look in the mirror don't look upset at your flaws. Look at yourself with pride and compliment all of your beauty because trust me there is a lot in every single person! Live life to the fullest and don't worry about the little things like not looking like the photo cropped magazine models. In conclusion the sunscreen song and this lyric puts out a lot that needs to be heard and understood!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Joyas Voladoras

Yesterday in class we read the essay, Joyas Voladoras, by Brian Doyle. This essay was a beautiful, inspirational and true piece of writing. There are many meanings that I take from this essay however there is a few lines that I truly think are incredible and are stuck in my head. I was talking about it and trying to deecipher new ideas about it all day yesterday...even at lacrosse practice. It is one of my favorite lines in the essay. This is where it said "Every creature on Earth has approximetly 2 billion heart beats to spend in a life time. You can spend it slowly like a tortoiuse and live to be about 200 years old or you can spend them fast and live to be 2 years old." This quote to me is very discouraging yet facinating at the same time. This is because 2 billion heart beats doesn't seem like a big number/ alot of heart beats in a lifetime. If you imagine how many times the human heart beats in a minute. 60 minutes an hour 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 4 weeks a month, 12 months a year and however many years you shall live. It makes me think that life is so short...almost too short.  So many things you want to accomplish in life and you only have 2 billion heart beats to do so. This line leads me to many questions rather than thoughts as well. For example, if there about 2 billion hearts beats in a lifetime does that mean its is not good to do sports or excersise? This is because although being aactive helps you stay in fit, it increases your heart rate which thus leads me to the question; does being active lead to a faster death? Now there is something to think about, for I still think about it today! In short there were many other great and meaningful lines in this essay but in my opinion this one was my favorite because it had me continually thinking. Finally, I believe that the overall essay was incredibly good!

Monday, May 6, 2013

What's worth Knowing

A man name Neil Gaiman once said. “I've been making a list of the things they don't teach you at school. They don't teach you how to love somebody. They don't teach you how to be famous. They don't teach you how to be rich or how to be poor. They don't teach you how to walk away from someone you don't love any longer. They don't teach you how to know what's going on in someone else's mind. They don't teach you what to say to someone who's dying. They don't teach you anything worth knowing.”

In my opinion this is a very meaningful quote and it reminds me of many things that I believe are worth knowing.  Something that is worth knowing is whether heaven is real or not, whether you give up after love, or whether when things do get so bad people never already know which is the correct path to take. Even though you have to believe and just trust in yourself and others in most of these topics, I think that there should be some sort of knowing and proof whether if things are real or not and knowing how to cope with deep emotions; however you will never know, because we are never taught.

Heaven is the place of your future, the paradise land you will be when you die. Love is finding your life-long partner your one and true friend. Loosing someone you deeply care about, puts you in your lowest point. How do you deal with these type of great, confused and crushed emotions? This is where you are stuck because you don't know how. Kids sit in school for 6 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, for 12 years. Yes, some of things we learn in school are helpful but about 80% of this knowledge is just forgotten, whether it’s over summer of just later in life. With all that time we should actually learn about the things that we will be worth knowing like the ones said above, just for example. Without knowing and learning these some of our "unknown" feelings can cause depression and other terrible things that you were never taught to handle. It is worth knowing what is real and how to manage yourself so you don't live your life in suspense and/or steering yourself toward the wrong directions. To conclude the only things that we were taught to know were for schoolwork. Never for real-life events that will happen in the future.

Many things are worth knowing yet they cannot be taught by me because I am just a child. However something’s that are worth knowing and should be taught are lessons like, how do we become a content, moral person that is still accepted by others? I feel that teachers shy away from this topic because it’s on a deeper aspect and could really affect someone personally.  Not always everyone is accepted for themselves even though they are the best people they can be. Why don’t we know how to deal with that? That’s right we don’t! So my advice is that teacher’s should talk about this to their students because they are curious and it something worth knowing!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Wasteland Documentary Responce

In the Wasteland documentary we saw I was honestly inspired by it what truly shocked me. At the beginning of the film I was truthfully bored and thought I would not enjoy it at all. However when they got to the part when they turned all the trash into beautiful pieces of art, and the reactions of those whom the art was based off of, I was excited for them and rather interested in the movie. The most memorable part of the movie for me was when the first piece of art was sold at the auction. This is because everyone told them they couldn't do it and it wasn't possible however they didn't listen and persevered to find out it was. It allowed me to take away that anything is possible as long as you work for what you want and to never give up! I have always heard that but watching the movie I was able to witness it. This led to incredible over-joy meant and success in incredible ways. To continue I was glad that they got to be apart of that success. They now can call them more than just garbage pickers there was something much greater than that. They were artist. They were a representation of believing and hope. I think that what the artist did allowing the mere garbage pickers to be in something greater was terrific! If i were "in there shoes" I would've been just as over-joyed and honor as they all had been. I would have love to gone through that fabulous journey even though there were hardships during it. This is because there was a spectacular outcome ("fairytale ending") in the end. If it were my lilfe I dont think there would have been as much inspirational aspects however it still would've been a pleasure to be apart of the experience. All in all, the movie was great and opprtuniuty for them was great as well!!!

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Picture Responce

This picture we have chosen represents anguish, pain, anger, and suffering. We chose this because it caught our eye and we wanted to know more! Here in this photo many grown angry and mourning men are picture. they look like they are grieving and judging by the 2 children in the front they may be grieving for them. One thing we missed at first glance is that there is a whole mob of people in the back and they all appear to be men. We believe the story behind this picture is that perhaps a government official or group killed the 2 children in the front and the people in the streets are protesting. One thing that this photo means to me is that no matter what we think the world isn't a perfect world however it does have bad people.  One question I have is why would somebody do this? The characters in the front are children! Also Finally the last question I have is: Are the children in the front dead? At glance the children look not exactly dead but possibly wounded. Over all this photo really evoked a lot of thought from both of us.
By: Erin and Kristen

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Adventures Outside

Our class went out side today for a photo shoot however no selfies allowed:).....these are some of the shots I captured!

Monday, January 7, 2013

The End of the World: Truth or Myth?

            May 21st 2011, Sept. 29th 2011, Oct. 21st 2011, May 27th 2012, June 30th 2012, Dec. 21st 2012, Dec. 23rd 2012, Dec. 31st 2012;Those were all the predicted dates for the end of the world in the past year. We were expected to die so many times in just one year and fortunately for us, those predictions were wrong. In a sense, we are survivors!! But in all seriousness, this is a crisis – is the end of the world a truth or is it a myth?
 As we all now know, these predictions had no truth since we are all still here today. However it was a crisis and these predictions created chaos and messed with people’s emotional state. We all know that we are going to all die someday, but so many predictions of the world ending scare people and make them worry. Just by looking at all the dates listed above, you can tell that people have no clue when the world as we know it, will be gone and that is frightening. We as humans like to feel in control of everything, so when we have something that we can't seem to figure out - we guess. And that is all those predictions for the end of the world are... guesses. Those guesses have affected people in so many terrible ways. For example, there are people who invested all of their time researching whether the apocalypse will happen and money on “safety equipment”.  In more grave scenarios, people have committed suicide or gambled all of their money because they believed that they were going to die on the next day (dooms day) when really they would have had a whole life ahead of them.  
These predictions are often aggravating because sometimes they are fabricated by “visionaries” just for attention. These visionaries like the publicity that it may bring to them. There have been predictions of apocalypses ever since 634 BCE. For example, back in the BCE the people believed “the world was going to end because they saw eagles flying in the sky and they declared every eagle represented 10 years of life.” In my opinion, there is no logic in that statement. Also, a man named José Luis de Jesús predicted that “On June 30th 2012, the world's governments and economies would fail, and my followers and I would undergo a transformation that would allow us to fly and walk through walls.” I am all for believing whatever you please, but if you are not 100% sure in your “vision” then don't go around spreading the word because it causes so much raucous.
As a wise-man once said “Judgement day is any day.” Thus saying whenever it is our time to leave this earth that’s when we shall go. In my opinion, I think most people including myself, believe in this quote, however some just don't want to admit it. My advice is to stop listening to what others are saying and to live life to the fullest because you never know when the world will really will come to an end. Truth or myth…as you can clearly see, the end of the world continues to be a myth!!!

Thanks for reading and keep an eye out for more post by me:) @Rice.Krissy.Treats

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Reflecting Back While Looking Ahead

Reflecting back on the year of 2012 it makes me remember all of the good and bad times and the lessons learned.

There was a few negatives in the year of 2012. Unfourtunetly in this past year I have attended my first viewing followed by about 5 more and also I was present at 3 funerals. Another thing is that I was living in fear of the world ending in 2012. There were so many rumors and global changes going on that I never really was sure if I were to wake up the next day. Lastly I have been emotionally effected by the Sandy Hook shooting, the death of Isabelle Tezla and the tragic Hurricane Sandy which created all of the destruction in the Jersey shore.

Aside from all of that the year of 2012 also held great memories and stellar achievements. To begin I made a lot of new friends. And now half of those people are my best friends and together we had and will have more fun times and memories to make. Also I got all honor roll in 2012 and succeeded in anything I strived for. Furthermore I was opened to new things that I now am devoted too and will move further in life with it at my side. Lastly I matured and developed life skills such as responsibility, commitment and a sense of knowing what my true values are.

The past year brought the good and bad but with that I learned many lessons. For example after hurricane Sandy I learned that people do care and taking things seriously by working together can actually get things accomplished. Also being in the presence of so many deaths I learned that its okay your loved ones are gone because they are now in a better place with out suffering and you will see them once again. To conclude I have learned that every day could be your last so live life to the fullest! 

2012 has taught me many things and in the next year I want to keep all them in mind and continue to be a good person. I am now striving to stay healthy, improve what I can academically and have fun in general. Have a great 2013!
 Thanks for reading and keep an eye out for more post by me:) @Rice.Krissy.Treats